The outside of the building when you drive or walk up you would mistake it for an old stone home. It has a certain appeal. On a bronze placard just beside the door you can read "PEVERELL'S ORPHANAGE FOR MAGICAL CHILDREN est. Year 2000 by Lord Peverell.
Once you step through the door you see that its not how one pictures an orphanage. A line of wall hooks hold jackets and caps. Depending on the time of year scarves might be hanging as well or wellies in pairs lined up underneath.
There are hallways that have walls showcasing children's drawings and accomplishments. There is a kitchen run by elves that provide a nutritional and tasteful meals. There are safety charms/spells in place so the children cannot remove anything from the kitchen nor come to harm. The staff room has a door that leads to a set of bedrooms that belong to the staff who stay nights. Charmed alarms are set to go off if something is amiss.